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Construction Lienholder Group Wins in Bankruptcy

If ever there were a time in construction litigation for folks to put on their rally hats, it would be in the case of M & G USA Corp!

Legislative Changes in Tennessee for Construction Industry

Are there changes ahead for mechanic's lien and bond claim rights in Tennessee? Let's take a look at what's in store.

Virginia’s Mechanic’s Lien Form Has Changed

Virginia is for lovers of mechanic’s liens! Let's share the love & discuss the changes to Virginia’s lien form, in effect 7/1/2019.

Selling Fuel on Consignment? Don’t Forget to File a UCC!

Who has priority over the proceeds from consigned goods? Is it the bankruptcy trustee or the consignor of the goods?

Iowa Lien Attached to Building, Not Lessor’s Property

Who is responsible for the costs associated with the construction of the facility, the lessor, lessee or both? Here's what Iowa Supreme Court says.

Mediation or Arbitration, Which Is Best for Your Business?

Have you found yourself in a construction dispute, trying to decide whether the dispute warrants trips to court for lawsuit litigation? Read this first.

Lien Dissolution Bond and Suit-To-Enforce Action

Learn what happened in one Massachusetts case when the lien claimant took steps to foreclose on the lien dissolution bond.

Fiber Optic Networks: Can I File a Mechanic’s Lien?

Here's a few things to keep in mind if you are furnishing to fiber optic networks and whether you may have lien rights.

Arizona Preliminary Notice Changes Coming December 2019!

Here's a quick review of the big changes come to the Arizona Preliminary Notices in 2019. You'll want to bookmark this!

When Your Collateral Description Sufficiently Complies with Article 9

Collateral descriptions can be a tricky business. Using a specific address in your description? Be extra careful!

Consignment Creditors, Give Back the Money

Consignment creditors in the Sports Authority bankruptcy have been dealt a crushing blow with the Court’s recent decision.

Here’s Why You Should Hire a Construction Attorney for Construction Litigation

Let's review a few key considerations when deciding whether you should hire a construction attorney for construction litigation.