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Consignment UCC Filings and the Sports Authority Bankruptcy

A company selling on consignment takes an unnecessary risk when it forgoes filing a UCC-1 Financing Statement.

Failure to Substantially Comply With State Law Renders Arizona Lien Unenforceable

Although you thought you followed the law down to every last detail, you have lost your essential remedy of a mechanic’s lien.

Bankruptcies in the Oil and Gas Industry

Although low oil prices are great for me at the pump, they are lousy for the oil and gas industry. Oil companies are filing bankruptcy and suppliers, secured & unsecured, are feeling the pain.

Here’s What Wikipedia Can’t Tell You About Collections

Don't use Wikipedia to determine mechanic’s lien/bond claim deadlines, the steps for filing UCCs and even for best practices on collecting past due receivables.

Filing UCCs: Tips for Secured Parties

Article 9-507(c) of the UCC provides the secured party with a four month window to amend a UCC filing if the debtor’s name changes:

What is a Public Private Partnership (P3)?

By now it is quite likely you are familiar with, or at least heard of, public-private partnerships; also known as “P3” or “PPP”.

Decision in Louisiana Court Could Impact Your Bond Claim Deadline 

Because the claim was filed before the filing of the notice of completion, it was deemed premature and the claim was subsequently invalidated - this was the ruling from a Louisiana Appeals Court in late 2015.

Ship Date or Delivery Date and Your Mechanic’s Lien Rights

Furnishing dates can make or break your rights to file a mechanic’s lien or serve a bond claim. Should you use a ship or delivery date?

Billion Dollar UCC Mistake Will Make You a Better Credit Manager

After all, accidentally terminating a UCC filing made JP Morgan an unsecured creditor - a $1.5 billion unsecured creditor.

My Customer is Going to Pay Me Soon – I’m Going to Let My Lien Deadline Pass

All parties supplying materials or labor to a construction project should take the appropriate steps to secure their mechanic’s lien and bond claim rights – all parties, all projects, all the time, no exceptions.

California Lender Search: a Best Practice

Perform formal searches on any party required to receive a copy of a notice. This goes for liens/bond claims too – you should always confirm the parties within the ladder of supply.

Articles of Incorporation Play a Key Role in Your UCC Filing

Articles of Incorporation are important because even states make mistakes when indexing entities (more often than you’d think).