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Indiana Material Supplier Gets a Win in Appeals Court

A case that started as “material supplier to material supplier” shifted to “material supplier to subcontractor” - what happens to the lien?

Utah Mechanic’s Lien and Bond Claim Rights

Furnishing to a construction project in Utah? Today’s post is just for you as we explore Utah mechanic’s lien and bond claim rights.

Mechanic’s Lien Rights in Canada at a Glance

Did you know Canadian provinces have their own lien and bond claim statutes? Let’s review the steps for securing lien rights in Canada.

Add a Check to Your Mechanic’s Lien Checklist

Did you know your lien could be rejected by the recording office if you don't provide a check for the exact amount of the recording fees?

Is the Lien Consensual or Statutory?

There are 2 types of liens creditors may use: consensual or statutory. Check out this post to learn what the difference is & why it matters.

Legislative Updates in Construction 2021

In 2021, several states enacted legislative updates to their mechanic’s lien and bond claim statutes. Here’s a quick recap of changes.

Survey: Securitization on A/R During the Pandemic

The CRF surveyed the use and impact of securitization (UCCs, mechanic’s lien, etc.) on A/R during the pandemic. Here's what they found.

Arkansas Residential Mechanic’s Liens & Payment Bonds for Public Projects

Learn more about the changes for Arkansas residential mechanic’s liens and payment bonds for public projects.
Changes for Texas Lien Claimants

Changes for Texas Lien Claimants Effective January 2022

Big things are happening in the great state of Texas, including changes to their mechanic's lien and bond claim laws. Let's review!
Changes to Iowa Mechanic’s Lien

Changes to Iowa Mechanic’s Lien Law in Effect January 2022

There are some changes coming to Iowa's mechanic's lien and bond claim statutes. Here's what you should know!
Mechanic’s Lien Deadline Tolls

New York Tolling the Lien Line

A lien claimant's lien was saved because the deadline was tolled. What is tolled and how did this claimant luck out? Let's take a look.

Minnesota Prelien Deadline is 45 Days, Not 72 Days

What happens when your preliminary notice is late? In Minnesota, you may lose your mechanic’s lien rights. Here's what you should know.