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Failure to Use the Proper Forms Can Prevent Perfecting Your Security Interest

When preparing documentation to perfect a UCC filing, the requirements may not be too complex, but you must strictly follow the requirements.
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UCC Filings: Does DBA Matter?

The most common UCC filing mistake is incorrectly identifying the customer. A misspelling could hurt your security, learn more here.
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UCC Collateral Descriptions – Don’t Be Too Specific or Too Vague

A UCC must include a description of property serving as collateral. Find out how being too vague or specific could jeopardize your security.
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Protect Your Purchase Money Security Interest in Goods

A perfected PMSI can give you priority in goods. But what happens when you don't perfect your PMSI? Read this post to learn more!

Four Reasons We Love UCC Filings

Here are four reasons we love UCC filings and you should too! Plus a bonus 5th reason - check out this post for details!

Safe Harbor Might Save One Creditor’s UCC Filing

A $3M reminder to always list your customer’s name on the UCC as their name appears on the public organic record.

What Is a UCC-3 Filing and Why Should You File One?

File a UCC? If you have and you need to continue, amend, assign, or terminate your UCC filing, you will file a UCC-3. Learn about UCC-3s!

Security Interest Survives Crazy Collateral Transfers

This case is a little crazy and convoluted, but the takeaway is strong. A security interest will survive, if properly perfected.

Is the Lien Consensual or Statutory?

There are 2 types of liens creditors may use: consensual or statutory. Check out this post to learn what the difference is & why it matters.

Compliance with UCC 9-503(a) when Filing UCC in Georgia

Compliance with UCC 9-503(a) must be one of the easiest and most challenging aspects of perfecting security interests. Let's see why!

UCC Filings Work, Here’s a $95,000 True Story

Did you know you could potentially recover funds from unsecured creditors who were paid with funds secured by collateral identified in your UCC?

Survey: Securitization on A/R During the Pandemic

The CRF surveyed the use and impact of securitization (UCCs, mechanic’s lien, etc.) on A/R during the pandemic. Here's what they found.